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Professor Totenkopf |
For a personal problem, I had a fery interesting chat
vith Professor Totenkopf, a great expert of vampires.
Per un problema
perzonale ho avuto un interessante incontro
con il Professor
Totenkopf, grande esperto di vampiri.
Per saperne di più:
Matteo Borrini - La scienza del Professor van Helsing: fondamenti biologici e tradizioni culturali dei rimedi per sopravvivere ai vampiri
Query, a. 4, n. 14, 2013, 39-43
Borrini M, Rickards O., Martinez Labarga C. (2011). 2011 The Vampire of Venice: a real ancient ancestor of Twilight investigated by modern forensic sciences. In: Proceedings of the American Academy of Forensic Sciences . Chicago, 21-26 febbraio 2011, vol. 17, COLORADO SPRINGS:American Academy of Forensic Sciences
Borrini M (2011). Il Vampiro in obitorio. In: La scienza dei mostri. Un'indagine scientifica sulle creature dell'incubo. vol. 14, p. 38-49, MILANO:CICAP, ISBN: 8895276159
Borrini M, Nuzzolese E (2010). Forensic approach to an archaeological casework of 'vampire' skeletal remains in Venice: odontological and anthropological prospectus. JOURNAL OF FORENSIC SCIENCES, vol. 55, p. 1634-1637
Query, a. 4, n. 14, 2013, 39-43
Borrini M, Rickards O., Martinez Labarga C. (2011). 2011 The Vampire of Venice: a real ancient ancestor of Twilight investigated by modern forensic sciences. In: Proceedings of the American Academy of Forensic Sciences . Chicago, 21-26 febbraio 2011, vol. 17, COLORADO SPRINGS:American Academy of Forensic Sciences
Borrini M (2011). Il Vampiro in obitorio. In: La scienza dei mostri. Un'indagine scientifica sulle creature dell'incubo. vol. 14, p. 38-49, MILANO:CICAP, ISBN: 8895276159
Borrini M, Nuzzolese E (2010). Forensic approach to an archaeological casework of 'vampire' skeletal remains in Venice: odontological and anthropological prospectus. JOURNAL OF FORENSIC SCIENCES, vol. 55, p. 1634-1637
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